Minutes of Special School Board Meeting

April 11th, 2006 8:00 PM

Proposed Year 2 Changes – 5-Year Plan




Location:          District Office, Gander




Mr. Thomas Kendell (Chair)                             Mr. Randell Mercer, Director

Mr. Newman Harris                                         Mr. Charlie McCormack

Mr. Scott Pritchett                                            Ms. Bonnie Lane McCarthy

Ms. Audrey Whiteway                          Mr. Shawn Brace (Recorder)

Mr. William Sceviour   

Mr. Clar Brown

Mr. Kerry Noble

Dr. Greg Woolfrey

Mr. Hubert Langdon

Ms. Kim Cheeks

Mr. John George

Mr. Robert Hannaford




Mr. Peter Gibbons                                            Ms. Claudine Wells

Mr. Peter Budgell                                             Ms. Marina Hewlett



There were also approximately 30 members from the public attending the meeting as well as representative from CBC.


The meeting was called to order at 8:10 PM.


The Special Meeting was called to discuss the proposed year 2 changes of the 5-year restructuring plan.


The Chair and the Director welcomed the members from the public and the trustees were introduced.


There were four presentations/speakers from the public:


1.      Cheryl Hann, Musgrave Harbour

2.      Mayor Roy Stokes, Musgrave Harbour

3.      Mrs. Vicki Hammond, Holy Cross School Complex, Eastport

4.      Denise Tulk, Ladle Cove


Action Plan – Proposed Year 2 Changes


The Board considered those proposed changes, as stated in its 5-year School System Restructuring Plan 2005, with the view to finalize appropriate actions re implementation of the stated changes (see attached document “Action Plan”).


1.         Carmanville School System and Musgrave Harbour System


Motion:           actions be deferred for further consideration pending the outcome of a review of the provincial teacher Allocation Model, as announced by the Minister of Education, and to be conducted and released prior to the 2007-08 school year.  (Whiteway/Pritchett).  Carried.


2.         Glovertown School System and Eastport School System


Motion:           deferred for further consideration pending the outcome of a review of the provincial Teacher Allocation Model, as announced by the Minister of Education, and to be conducted and released prior to the 2007-08 school year.  (Pritchett//Brown).  Carried.


3.         Bishop’s Falls School System


Motion:           the previous actions of the Board be revisited and be replaced with the following:


                                                                                i.            Close Bishop’s Falls Academy (7-8)

                                                                              ii.            Redesignate Leo Burke Academy (9-12) as a 7-12 school

                                                                            iii.            Commence planning on a single K-12 school for Bishop’s Falls.  (Hanniford/Woolfrey).  Carried.


4.         Grand Falls-Windsor System



                                                                                i.            move all 7-9 students from Grand Falls-Windsor into the newly extended E.V. Intermediate School

                                                                              ii.            Close EVH Maple, Grand Falls-Windsor

                                                                              iii.            Commence planning/construction of a new gymnasium and renovations at E.V. High.  (Woolfrey/George).  Carried.


5.         Middle Arm School System


Motion:           the action be delayed one year to allow for the planned extension and renovations to MSB Regional Academy to be completed before the students are relocated.  (Brown/Pritchett).  Carried.


Mr. Clar Brown tabled the following motion for consideration at the next Regular Board Meeting:


Motion:           That the Nova Central School District reaffirm its position to the Minister of Education that a completely new school facility be constructed in Baie Verte as stated in the Nova Central School Board’s 5-year Restructuring Plan 2005 as opposed to any type of redevelopment of any existing structure.  (Brown/Woolfrey).  Carried.


The Director added comments concerning the difficulties in delivering programs with declining enrolments and declining teacher allocations.  The government’s announcement to review this formula gives the Board a one year reprieve; significant changes to the teacher allocation model are required to change the district’s ability to offer quality programming particularly at the senior high school level.


The 5-year plan was based on information available one year ago.


Motion:           to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 PM.  (Pritchett/Woolfrey).  Carried.




_____________________________                          ____________________________

Thomas Kendell                                                           Shawn Brace

Chair                                                                            Recorder

